The Installation Management Command-Directorate of Support and the Civilian Human Resources Activity-Civilian Career Management Activity of the Army have joined forces in a collaborative effort to increase the number of employment opportunities for military spouses and to develop, hire and retain a diverse pool of civilian talent, ultimately increasing the Army’s total readiness.
According to recent statistics, the unemployment rate for military spouses is twice the average rate. Additionally, more than 89% of military spouses have a college education. Despite these qualifications, they often face challenges in finding employment that matches their skill set.
As of August 8, 2023, the federal civilian workforce population consisted of approximately 32% minorities, 36% women, and a median age of 47 years. Recognizing the importance of workforce diversity and the need for the right level of employment for military spouses, IMCOM ID -S and CHRA-ACCMA have strategically focused their outreach and recruitment efforts toward populations that match their goals.
One of the key initiatives stemming from this collaboration is the provision of Federal Resume hours for college students and military spouses. IMCOM ID-S is actively engaged in equipping participants with the skills needed to navigate US jobs, apply for jobs and internships, explore Pathways programs, and master the art of writing a federal resume. These classes are offered through both virtual and on-site platforms, ensuring accessibility and convenience for all participants.
“This collaboration is a tremendous opportunity to inform students about a wide range of career prospects within the federal service,” said Bernard Walker, ACS Lead at IMCOM ID-S Family Advocacy Specialist, Equal Opportunity Managers of Recruitment, Child Development Assistants and more, to attract the best and brightest talent to these crucial roles.”
By expanding outreach efforts and equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate federal employment opportunities, IMCOM ID-S and CHRA-ACCMA are actively working toward building a diverse and highly skilled workforce that will contribute to the Total Readiness of the Army.
For more information about the collaboration between IMCOM-Sustainment and CHRA-ACCMA, please contact Bernard Walker at or Tina Manns at
The Installation Management Command-Sustainment (IMCOM-Sustainment) is responsible for providing sustainment support to Army installations worldwide. Their mission is to provide efficient and effective installation services, infrastructure and quality of life programs to enable Army mission readiness.
The Civilian Human Resources Activity-Army Civilian Career Management Activity (CHRA-ACCMA) is dedicated to the career management of Army civilians. Their mission is to attract, develop, and retain a highly skilled and diverse workforce to support the Army’s mission and ensure Total Army readiness.
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