MMore than three days after Jonathan Kaye was caught on video brutally beating a woman in New York City last weekend, the wealthy banker appears to remain on the payroll of an investment firm amid calls for him to be fired, arrested and be prosecuted for violent assault. during a Pride Month event.
In fact, aside from the fact that investment firm Moelis & Company quietly placed Kaye on leave while it conducts an investigation it said began Sunday, it appears as if the company’s managing director who runs its global business services franchise may not face with any real penalty, both professionally and legally.
In case you missed it, Kaye reportedly broke the unidentified woman’s nose with a violent punch, knocking her to the street as stunned onlookers cursed him but made no attempt to stop him as he walked free through the neighborhood on Saturday night Brooklyn’s Park Slope. .
Moelis & Company eventually confirmed to Business Insider that Kaye is the employee it placed on leave after her initial social media post announcing that the “serious incident” was under investigation.
Unverified reports attributed to anonymous sources in conservative tabloids such as the New York Post and Daily Mail have claimed that the short clip showing Kaye punching a woman in the face with a vicious punch that knocked her to the ground told only part of the story. and suggested the victim and other alleged “Queers for Palestine” protesters provoked Kaye.
This narrative effectively attempts to justify the actions of Kaye, who appeared moments after the violence muttering something unintelligible that suggested he was blaming the woman for his violence.
As the violence happened during a Pride Month event, she also questioned whether it was motivated by homophobia.
The social media video that brought widespread attention to the incident claimed Kaye punched “a black woman,” which also introduced the theme of race into the violent equation. That said, neither the victim’s identity nor race were immediately confirmed.
The video footage below is graphic in nature and should be viewed with caution.
Considering Moelis & Company’s early Sunday morning social media post boasting that it “celebrates Pride Month, the incredible contributions of the LGBTQ+ community, and our commitment to fostering an inclusive workplace for all,” a violent such against a woman, especially at a Pride Month event. , apparently contradicts the aforementioned “commitment” of the company.
There are other hints that Kaye has not been fired, including the fact that Moelis & Company’s social media post announcing it was “conducting an investigation” into the incident is not only still alive – suggesting the investigation is ongoing – but also still identifies the person at the center of the investigation as “one of our employees.”
Additionally, Kaye’s bio page on the Moelis & Company website is still up and very searchable on Google. Kaye’s LinkedIn page, however, was quickly deleted after the video started going viral on Sunday.
Moelis & Company did not immediately respond to an inquiry from NewsOne about Kaye’s employment status at the investment firm.
Aside from the apparent lack of any corporate responsibility, the NYPD apparently has no plans to look into the matter.
Responding to questions about whether the NYPD was investigating the incident, a spokesman for the Deputy Commissioner of Public Information would only say “the NYPD is aware of the video.”
Without addressing the woman in the video, the NYPD told NewsOne in an email earlier this week that “We encourage anyone who has been victimized to file a police report,” adding that “There are currently no complaint reports on file.”
Taken together, it all suggests that Kaye could not only emerge from this viral fiasco while remaining gainfully employed by Moelis & Company, but also avoid any prosecution for a random act of violence documented on video. by a person who has been positively identified.
Sounds around white.
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